Spellchecking blog posts

Where Microsoft Word is not as helpful as it wants to be.

English is not my native language. You’ve probably noticed that already. To make the posts in this blog a bit less cringe worthy, I check the spelling and grammar of the text I write using Microsoft Word. The problem is that Word is not really tailored to work with programming-related documents and code samples.

Microsoft Word spell checking dialog with suggestion to replace 'enum' with 'enema'

Sure Word, I was totally talking about an enema there.

I’ve been adding a lot of terms to the Word spellchecker database while checking these posts. Some of the words, which I’ve added, actually could be legit errors when taken out of the sample code context. By doing that, I’ll probably mess up the spellchecker with time to the point where it would not catch proper errors anymore. I hope there is a reset button somewhere.

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