Still kicking

A glorious return six years later

Six years have passed, and I’ve decided to start writing something again. Let’s see if anything good comes out of this endeavor.

Previously I’ve described in detail how this very blog was set up and automated with the help of rake. Well, it’s all gone now. It did not really age well – at least some of the scripts were not working on my new M1 mac (the .md to .pdf converter for my CV to name one), and instead of trying to update it all and make it work again, I’ve decided to just go with the default GitHub workflow for Jekyll-based pages, use one of the supported themes and go with it.

A lot of stuff I was automating previously is just fluff which no one really needs if there is no one reading my posts. And no one will if there is no content. So, the scripts and custom Jekyll plugins and automation – all these are probably not the things I should start with. Let’s try and generate some actual content, shall we?

Project maintained by wanderwaltz Hosted on GitHub Pages — Based on theme by mattgraham